Web Page Construction

Slides: OpenOffice PowerPoint
Reading: HFHTML Ch. 3


  1. Obtain a USB Flash Drive (or floppy disk).
  2. On this memory device, create a file aboutMe.html containing an HTML page. The title of the page should be About Me. The major heading of the page should be your name. The page should contain a paragraph about you.

    This part is "due" on 9/13, but life will be much easier if you can bring it to the next class!

  3. Bring your memory device (and your textbook) to every class.
  4. Before each class, preload your memory devise with the code for the class from the textbook web site:
    http://headfirstlabs.com/books/hfhtml/index.php .
  5. Organize the directory structure of your memory device to support parts 2 and 4 of this homework. This part is also due 9/13.


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